Ironclad Bodywork PLLC Client Care Policy

  • Ironclad guarantees that all clients will receive their massage sessions in a safe place with licensed massage therapists. 

  • Communication with your therapist is key to a personalized and beneficial experience. If you need a change of pressure, pace, temperature, music or focus area… just let your therapist know!

  • If you are uncomfortable at any time during your session please let your therapist know. This is your time so please speak up.

  • Feel free to undress only down to your level of comfort! Yes, massage can be performed through clothing if necessary.

  • If anything related to your service does not feel right or appropriate, trust your gut and intuition. Talk to a friend or neutral third party or talk directly to your service provider if you feel comfortable. Otherwise, please contact Ironclad’s managers and owners directly via email at or via either of our Facebook pages and they will respond ASAP.

  • Ironclad holds their licensed massage therapists to a high standard but in the event you feel that any inappropriate, abusive or dangerous conduct takes place, we will immediately assist you in contacting the appropriate authorities or contact them on your behalf, if permitted by you. We will cooperate in all investiga­tions of complaints made to authorities. Our policy is that if an allegation of inappropriate conduct is made against a service provider, the em­ployee will be immediately suspended pending investigation.

Ironclad Bodywork PLLC Zero Tolerance Behavior Policy

  • To reserve an appointment time a credit card is required to be kept on file in the PCI compliant system.

  • In the event of a “no-show” the credit card will be charged the full amount of the service that was due (minus any discounts owed).

  • In the event of a late cancel (one hour or less prior to the appointment) the credit card on file will be charged a fee of $50.

  • A late arrival to the appointment may require that the session ends at it’s scheduled time depending on the therapists schedule that day.

  • Ironclad Bodywork provides therapeutic massage therapy and soft tissue modalities. Any inappropriate behavior on the part of customers will result in the immediate termination of the session and the full payment for the session will be required before you exit the premises.

  • Inappropriate comments, actions or suggestive behavior or solicitation of sexual acts will result in an internal client incident report being filed and possible suspension of their account and services at Ironclad locations, as well as a police report filed when deemed necessary by service providers or management staff.

Thank you for choosing Ironclad for your massage therapy needs and for your cooperation in making our offices a safe space to receive massage and for our therapists to work