What is structural integration?
Structural integration in the simplest terms is a form of bodywork that aims to balance your fascial system in a way that best supports your body and movement. Encouraging our bodies to be better aligned in gravity can bring about a host of positives: ease in movement, more energy, a feeling of lightness and length and a better connection between our bodies and our minds.
what we do
Structural Integrators focus on the relationship between the bones of your body and how, by working together with our clients, we can adjust the fascial wires that hold them in position to let them come into a place of ease.
Let’s look for potential!
This process is a project tailored to your body that you and your structural integrator embark on together. Sessions are not stand alone but done in a series of 3 or 12. This work is best processed when there is a short period of focused sessions and input followed by a time of rest from structural work and will keep developing in your body long after the sessions are over.
Tom Myers Explains the ATSI 12 series
$140.00 Per Session for (3 + 12 Series Work)
Sessions typically last about 90 minutes - Please note: there are no discounts given for structural integration. I do work on a sliding scale for those in need. Please communicate this at your consult!
In person consults are available with Mary or Dana in our Cove, Killeen or Temple studios schedules depending. Series work starts after a consult has taken place, feel free to book a consult online or fill out the form below!
What does a S.I. session look like?
We start each session with a body reading to find out where your major holding patterns are and what may be key in releasing those patterns. We will work through the fascial lines and explore areas of potential and length that can be brought out. Sessions are done with you wearing a bra and shorts or underwear so that you can get up during the work and move to better integrate change in your tissues. Most work around the spine is done on a bench with you sitting so that we can find movement and more flexibility in your back. Gentle balancing work is done at the end of each session.
What is the difference between a 3 series and a 12 series?
In a 3 series we will work together to bring more balance to the major fascial planes in your body in an introduction to structural work. Session one focuses on the lower body in movement. Session two on the upper body in movement and breath and session three on the spine and tying it all together.
In a 12 series we will comb through all of the fascial planes in your body. It is a project and process where each session builds momentum and possibilities for the next.
Sessions 1-4: In the superficial sessions we focus on opening and differentiating the more superficial tissues that are holding your patterns in place.
Sessions 5-8: In the core sessions we will concentrate our energy on the deeper structures of your fascial system.
Session 9-12: In the integrating sessions we will build on the work we have done to put it all back together in movement, breath and an easier flow for your body.